Irene Vassalo headshot

Irene Vassalo BA, CFP®, CEA, EPC, RRC

Executive Financial Consultant

Irene thrives on building relationships and knows that holistic, personalized planning is key to a life well-lived. Those who benefit most from working with Irene are affluent clients seeking to grow, protect and share their wealth.  Irene is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professional who’s been in the financial services industry since 1995.  She graduated from the University of Waterloo and holds the Elder Planning Counselor, Registered Retirement Counselor, and Certified Executor Advisor designations.  Irene is a familiar face having appeared in magazines and on radio and television.  She’s also highly involved in her community through such organizations as She Shares, in support of St. Mary’s Hospital, and Cambridge Memorial Hospital.  Irene’s proudest accomplishment is her beautiful family – husband Brian and children Isabella and Zachary.

“Real financial advice is about providing clarity and confidence so that you and those you love continue to thrive.”

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